Recently, Beijing-Tianjin cold-rolling galvanized 1150mm single-stand six-high reversing cold-rolling mill of SINO-HEAVYMACH has successfully passed the thermal test at one attempt, entering the phase of continued operation.
This 1150mm single-stand six-high reversing cold-rolling mill has been equipped with the whole-distributive network advanced controlling system comprised of brand-new digital system.
The successful operation of this project has been of great significance to expanding the specification of cold-rolling strip products, further enhancing precision of products and the market competition of cold-rolling galvanized products.
Since the signing of this project, various departments of SINO-HEAVYMACH have closely collaborated with each other, giving play to their strengths in defiance of a series of difficulties, completing the thermal load trial at one attempt, which has fully demonstrated the comprehensive capability and technical level of SINO-HEAVYMACH and winning the high approval of the client.